Building Homes and Self-progressing communities
We build solutions for one of the biggest problems facing the world today: the billion plus people currently living in slums.
In a ground-breaking partnership with the Peace Corps, we provide not just homes and infrastructure, but the skills and training to make sure our communities thrive and progress.
This model breaks the poverty cycle at its root, unleashing human potential and transforming lives. But we need YOU to begin. Follow 8 year old Angely’s journey and see how Global Social Housing’s key differentiators create a perpetual gift from a single donation.
Using donations made to us we build self-progressing communities which help address the global housing need. This means while we build a solid infrastructure, and give people homes, we also use our unique partnerships to equip them with the life-skills, training and resources to make those communities thrive. About Us Global Social Housing is a business that was conceived 2 1/2 years ago. It is based on a housing shortage, a need that has been identified and … [Read More...]
Currently, worldwide, over a billion people live in slums. The UN recently identified the shift from rural to urban dwelling as the defining issue of the 21st century. By the year 2030, an additional 3 billion people, about 40 percent of the world’s population, will need access to housing. This translates into a demand for 96,150 new affordable units every day and 4,000 every hour. (UN-HABITAT: 2005) One out of every three city dwellers – nearly a billion people – lives in a slum and that number … [Read More...]
"I still wake up in the morning and I can not believe I live in my own house with my daughters" -Mrs. Marlen Lopez. The recently inaugarated Don Edwin project is a model example of Social Housing in Costa Rica, providing 205 homes for families in the Atlantic region. In the Don Edwin project 74% of households are headed by women, who are engaged in farming and business operations in the area. The … [Read More...]
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